My Blog List

Tuesday 5 June 2012


My name is Sydney Cumma and I am a teacher at the Pamelus Burke Government School in Byera Village. At present I am teaching Mathematics and Social Studies at the Grade 6 level and also hold the position of IT Coordinator. I am residing at O'Brien's Valley, St Vincent & the Grenadines.

My students are in the age group of 10 - 13 yrs. old and are fascinated with the use of ICT. I have been involved with ICT for fourteen years. When I am not in the classroom I enjoy farming my lands and spending time learning about new technology. After this course is finished I hope to gain additional knowledge pertaining to ICT integration. Specifically, useful tools to assist myself and other members of my staff to better incorporate technology into the classroom.

I have computer and internet access at both my home and at the computer lab in school. The computer lab is equipped with about 10 desktops, printer, copy machine, and access to a wireless network.


  1. I am looking forward to working with you. I respect you for you many years of experience in IT

  2. You guys will contribute heavily towards the OLPC initiative in our education system. I encourage you to continue the work. Our nation will benefit from your skills in the long run.

  3. thanks for the help in getting me in

  4. Thanks for your contribution Sydney. I think that you will offer a rich input given your experience and I hope that you learn tons more about ICT integration. This course is up to 8 module long, so you should be able to find plenty of stimulation over time. Best wishes.
