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Monday 11 June 2012

Our world looks much different today....

Teachers/lectures must ask the following questions...
But, we also have to be responsive to the learners that do not have all the exposure You have to be sensitive and progressive at one time.

How does the teacher/lecturer of the 21st Century look?

Every teacher/lecturer must ask the question - do I fit into the 21st Century teaching?

Do you still teach like this?

Where does he get his information from?
Who does he consult?

Study the following diagram carefully. Do you think this will be sufficient for the learner of the 21st Century?

The traditional teacher/lecturer will make use of his/her traditional teacher/lecturer network that consists of curriculum documents, print and digital resources and popular media.

Note that there is a one-way flow of information from these resources to the teacher/lecturer.

He/she will work and collaborate with colleagues and use the local community/family for application of learning (two ways).

How must teachers/lecturers respond?

Teachers/lecturers must be responsive to changing learners and the learning context:

Changing from Teacher 1.0 - The traditional teacher with a limited network...

In the 21st Century learning context, the teacher needs to extend these networks and become a ...

Teacher 2.0 - The Networked Teacher


The networked teacher/lecturer will still make use of his/her traditional teacher network that consists of curriculum documents, print and digital resources and popular media (one-way communication). However, he/she will significantly increase his/her two-way communication/collaboration/interaction, making use of appropriate and available technologies and tools.

1 comment:

  1. You have presented some great ideas in this post. I know that you are quite involved is striving to enlighten and motivate our teachers in the system to strive diligently to integrate ICTs into their classrooms. Keep up the effort! I will like sometime to observe one of your lessons that will make use of the students netbooks
