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Sunday 21 October 2012

Best practices in relation to e-safety

Policies and practice
  • Does your school have a set of robust policies and practices?
  • Do you have an Acceptable Use Policy (AUP)? Are parents aware of it?
  • Does your anti-bullying policy include references to cyber-bullying?
  • Are there effective sanctions in case of breaches of policy?
  • Is your school network safe and secure?
  • Do you use an accredited internet service provider?
  • Do you use a filtering/monitoring product?
  • Do you utilise privacy settings on social networking sites?
  • Have you set up invitation-only discussion groups?
Education and training
  • Do children receive e-safety education – where and how?
  • Are staff, including support staff, trained?
  • Do you have a single point of contact in the school for e-safety?
  • Do the leadership team and school governors have adequate awareness of the issue of e-safety?
Standards and inspection
  • Do you monitor and review all of the above?

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